
Many of our members are active in a union at their workplace. Having a union at your workplace can have many benefits. The most important one is the ability to negotiate and sign a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Through CBA, you can improve your working conditions and increase your wages. Workplace unions also have the right to be informed and consulted about changes in your workplace (layoffs, new job openings, changes in departments, etc.).

Initial steps

  1. Meet with trusted co-workers in your company and discuss your work situation. You can be doing 1:1 meetings, or it can be group lunch, evening beer, etc.
  2. Get commitments from some of your co-workers. The minimum number is 3. More is better. These workers should be willing to talk with other employees and get them to join the union.
  3. When you have at least three other workers, send us an email or Signal message. Explain your company and your activity so far. We will get back to you in short period.

Moravia IT

