About Us

We are a community of workers from the IT sector and call centers (ICT sector) in the Czech Republic. We gather to discuss our working conditions, brainstorm ways to improve them, and support each other in achieving positive change.

As a sectoral union, we represent workers across the ICT industry, connecting individuals and entire workplaces. Our members include testers, programmers, call center and back office workers, and many more.

About Us

What do we do?

Our goals are:

We cooperate with other organizations aiming for social changes (for example cooperation with climate justice organizations).

We have joined OSPPP to be better connected to other trade unions.

How do we work?

We are an active trade union. We have monthly online meetings in Czech and English language, where we plan our next actions and make collective decisions. We have one big in-person planning meeting every six months. We also have other meetings and events both in person and online. You can be part of this as a union member.

What is possible in the workplace?

As a member of sectoral unions, you also have the opportunity to establish unions in your workplace. If you and your colleagues agree that you want to have a voice in your workplace, you have the opportunity to directly influence the conditions with your employer. However, this does not mean that every member is working towards this goal, as sectoral unions are important in their own right.

How was the ICT union founded?

The ICT Union was established in the summer of 2021 to provide a common platform for call center and IT workers in the Czech Republic. Back then, our primary objective was to address the working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our first collective action was a petition calling for improved work-from-home arrangements.

Who are we?

Our understanding of the sector is very broad and inclusive. Anyone who works with information systems or/and on their development, or works in any position in any company that provides services in this sector is, in our opinion, considered a worker in the ICT sector. Nonetheless, let us list a few job titles which, without a doubt, are considered a part of the sector: